Elder Care & Elder Law Blog

Stratford Will and Trust Lawyer Answers: “Our Property is Titled in Joint Tenancy. I Don’t Need a Will, Right?”

December 26, 2018

Franklin A. Drazen

The answer to this question and so many other estate planning questions is, “Yes, but….”. It is true that if you own an asset jointly with rights of survivorship in Connecticut, the joint tenant will automatically retain ownership of the property when you pass away. The assets held in joint tenancy will avoid probate when...

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Trumbull Estate Planning Attorney Urges Millennials to Rethink this Common Estate Planning Myth

December 17, 2018

Steven L. Rubin

As a Trumbull estate planning attorney, I know Millennials have a lot going on; they are starting their careers, buying their first homes, and starting their families. With so many “beginnings,” it’s hard to imagine finding time to stop and think about “the end.” A lot of people think that they are too young to …

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Milford Trust Attorney: Reduce Your Tax Burden with a Qualified Personal Residence Trust

December 7, 2018

Franklin A. Drazen

A family home or vacation property is often the most valuable asset in an estate. While the homeowner may want to leave their cherished property to children or other beneficiaries as an inheritance, taxes can quickly thwart well-meant plans. The sad truth is that without proper planning, most heirs simply cannot afford the tax bills...

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Milford Will and Trust Lawyer: How to Plan When You’re Ill or Dealing with Health Challenges Related to Old Age

November 23, 2018

Franklin A. Drazen

Serious health diagnoses can impact your life in huge ways and may bring concerns you haven’t thought of up to the forefront. One of those concerns, which is often pushed off when everything is going well, is estate planning and/or elder law planning.  Planning can give you the peace of mind of knowing that your...

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Trumbull Estate Planning Attorney: Avoid This Common Beneficiary Mismatch

November 16, 2018

Steven L. Rubin

As an estate planning attorney in Trumbull, I have seen many unfortunate circumstances where a person goes through the time and expense of having an estate plan created only to fail to update their beneficiaries on their financial or retirement accounts before they pass away. An example of this would be Mary naming her brother...

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Stratford Trust Attorney Asks, “Is a Life Insurance Trust Right for You?”

November 9, 2018

Franklin A. Drazen

When it comes to asset protection planning for retirement and leaving legacies to your loved ones, there are several different trusts available that can help accomplish your goals. One type of trust called an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (ILIT) ensures that the benefits of your life insurance policy are kept separate from your taxable estate....

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Trumbull Special Needs Lawyer: Use Your IRA to Benefit a Special Needs Charity or Non-Profit You Care About

October 30, 2018

Franklin A. Drazen

If you are over 70 ½ years old, you can donate some or all of your IRA to an eligible special needs charity or non-profit of your choice. Using a Qualified Charitable Distribution, you can donate directly from your IRA to the charity. Not only is this a great way to support your favorite organizations...

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Stratford Elder Law Attorney: 5 Ways to Protect Older Loved Ones from Financial Abuse

October 24, 2018

Steven L. Rubin

The words Top 5 written in vintage letterpress type[/caption It’s no secret that the elderly are a favorite target of scam artists. Criminals will troll the internet and phone lists looking for seniors that are easy to prey upon due to an illness, disability, or cognitive impairment. Another reason scam artists...

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New Law to Expand Chronic Care Benefits through Medicare

October 16, 2018

Steven L. Rubin

In a rare instance of bipartisan cooperation, Congress recently passed a law that will expand benefits to individuals enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans who have chronic illnesses. The Creating High-Quality Results and Outcomes Necessary to Improve Chronic (CHRONIC) Care Act will cover certain supplies and services not previously covered such as telehealth services, at-home visits...

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Ask a Milford Estate Planning Lawyer: “I Just Discovered a Long-Lost Sister. Can She Inherit Dad’s Estate?”

October 9, 2018

Franklin A. Drazen

This may sound like a situation from a movie, but it happens more than you can imagine: a long-lost child appears after the death of their parent. This is an alarming situation for many reasons, but people often wonder if that child has a claim against the deceased’s estate. The answer is yes, but only...

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