Elder Care & Elder Law Blog

Trumbull Guardianship Lawyers Answer: “How Important is Financial Security When Choosing a Guardian for Your Children?”

December 15, 2020

Franklin A. Drazen

One of the most difficult decisions that parents of minor children have to make when creating their estate plans is choosing the person(s) they would want to raise their children if they were incapacitated or suddenly passed away. In our office, we often find that the conversation starts with, or eventually winds its way back...

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Milford Estate Lawyer: What Should I Do If the Bank Says My Power of Attorney is ‘Too Old’?

December 8, 2020

Steven L. Rubin

While a power of attorney (POA) does not technically expire unless it’s revoked by the person who created it, you may run into a situation where a bank or a brokerage firm refuses to accept the document because it’s “too old.” You may also hear the phrase, “the document is stale.” So, what does this...

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Trumbull Estate Planning Lawyer: Which Type of Power of Attorney is Best for Your Needs?

November 30, 2020

Franklin A. Drazen

Most people have a basic understanding of what a Power of Attorney does. However, not all Power of Attorney documents are the same, and the rights you are afforded depend on how the document is created by a Trumbull estate planning lawyer. Let’s start first with the basics: a Power of Attorney is a document...

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Milford Trust Lawyers: What Records Should I Keep as a Successor Trustee?

November 27, 2020

Steven L. Rubin

Stepping into the role of Successor Trustee after the incapacitation or death of a loved one is a big job that can feel scary and overwhelming for someone who has never served in such capacity. Milford Trust lawyers understand that it can be equally unnerving to learn that the Trustee can be held liable for...

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New Haven Will Lawyers Answer: “My Mom Died… Can I Sell Her House as Her Power of Attorney?”

November 16, 2020

Franklin A. Drazen

Question:  My mom recently died, and I’m her Power of Attorney. Am I able to contact a realtor to start the process of selling her house? I don’t want the bills to start piling up. Answer: Believe it or not, this is a common question that New Haven Will lawyers receive after the loss of...

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Dangers of Using “DIY” Online Software to Create a Special Needs Trust for a Child with Disabilities in Milford

November 6, 2020

Steven L. Rubin

We’re often asked by parents of kids with special needs for our honest opinion on using Do-It-Yourself software to create a Special Needs Trust in Milford. Obviously, DIY programs cost less than working with an attorney, and the ability to create a document online offers an extra level of convenience and ease. But… buyer beware....

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New Haven Elder Law Attorneys: Why Seniors Need to Supplement Medicare Part B

October 30, 2020

Steven L. Rubin

Senior citizens are often concerned about what’s covered by their insurance and what they may be responsible for out of pocket. Medicare Part B is a plan that many seniors have, but it does not cover all the services they typically need. That’s why many senior citizens get “gap insurance” to offset any additional costs...

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How to Create an Estate Plan During COVID-19 | Milford Estate Planning Lawyer

October 24, 2020

Franklin A. Drazen

Creating an estate plan in 2019 looked a little bit like this: you and your spouse or partner, perhaps along with your adult children, would make an appointment at the office of a Milford estate planning lawyer to go over your plans. A week or so later, you’d receive drafts of your documents in the...

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Trumbull Will and Trust Lawyer: 10 Steps to Create an Estate Plan

October 8, 2020

Franklin A. Drazen

Working with an experienced Trumbull will and trust lawyer to create a comprehensive estate plan can seem like a daunting process. Let’s face it: the decisions you have to make, the information you have to gather, and the sheer amount of paperwork involved are enough to make anyone pause. That’s why it’s so important not...

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New Haven County Elder Law Attorney on The Differences Between Respite Care and Adult Day Care

September 30, 2020

Steven L. Rubin

Caregivers for elderly loved ones can easily become burnt out and exhausted. Oftentimes, they’re responsible for their loved one and their own children, as well as maintaining a household and a job. As a New Haven County elder law attorney, I believe that respite care and adult day care are two great options to give...

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